Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Independent Component 1 Approval


Please review the component contract at page 12 of the senior project packet.  Click here!  The independent component 1 is an opportunity for you to add a dimension of creativity and/or an additional outlet for research.  The goal of the component is for you to explore your topic in more depth with this component. On February 7, 2014, you will be turning in the following to your blog to prove completion of this component:

·       Log of hours on an digital spreadsheet (with total number of hours included)
·       Evidence of the 30 hours of work (e.g. transcript, essays, tests, art work, photographs) as digital artifacts
·       LIA
 The senior team expects that your log will be on the right hand side of your blog with your WB and mentorship log.   In addition to this,  we expect that you will be able to prove the total 30 hours of work by submitting evidence to the blog by the due date.  Forthis blog post and approval, please answer the following questions.

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.
What I plan to do is maybe consult a client of my own. If not, I plan to come up with new strategies that might help the teens get back on their feet. Psychologists usually submit their own journal articles so I think that would be my best bet. I'm not really sure what else I can do besides that so I have a material object. 
2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
I plan to do all my work, research, etc. with my mentor because I definitely need my guidance. Whenever I'm sitting in on sessions or researching with my mentor, ill be sure that my mentor is with me to be a witness to me completing the 30 hours. iPhones also come in handy. I will take dozens of pictures during these few months as proof.
3.  And explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.
Doing one of the above would give me much much more insight on the topic rather than just reading some articles off google. This way ill be able to know how it feels when you're actually in a counselors position and how they tackle problems.
4.  Post a log on the right hand side of your blog near your mentorship log and call it the independent component 1 log.

Your answers to the questions should be supported with details and examples for the senior team to understand what you plan to do.   Once we review your Blog Post 7, your house teacher will discuss with you the approval of your plan.  If it is approved, please start working on it.  If it is not approved, your house teacher will explain why.  It is your job to address the concerns so you can get your component approved. 

1 comment:

  1. a client, huh? Will you really be able to do this? If so, that's fine, but I'll need more detail. What if you read a variety of books on parenting adolescents or helping troubled adolescents? And then did something with that info. Maybe a youtube videos reviews or advice column thingies. I also have heard of a blog and maybe a book that's written by a former troubled teen about parents and teens getting along. You can search on your own or we can try to find it together if you come by sometime this week. I have a couple of books you can start with if you liked my idea ; )
